In our recent adventures to build a new prototype synthesizer, that supports a multimode VCF, LFO, and also all the goodies from the SuperPiggy experiment, we were on the look-out…Continue readingOur Life With The Due
The Piggy’s firmware was updated to version 1.2. Download. It now features Decay time and Sustain level setting via MIDI. For the rest the ADSR quality checking has been improved…Continue readingFirmware again, MIDI again
As you may notice the site has been updated. Navigation is now more logical, there’s now a page that introduces the company, and last but not least the logo has…Continue readingSite update
In the recent days we’ve been working on getting the Piggy’s firmware optimized to make squeeze out every last drop of performance and create even better sounds. Part of the…Continue readingArduino performance
Just assembled and tested the follow-up of the Piggy. It’s the … yes, very obvious name here … “Super piggy”, or Super Arduino Piggyback Synthesizer. Like previously announced it features…Continue readingSuperpiggy prototype
Yet again another firmware version: the mighty 1.1.2. This one kicks the bugs out: Pitch wheel doesn’t interfere with note on/off commands anymore. Release time doesn’t get lost in space…Continue readingNew firmware / New synth design
A bugfix for the Frequency Modulation feature has been uploaden. When FM modulation frequency was enabled (midi control command 0x0C set to non-zero), but modulation depth was set to 0,…Continue readingFM Bugfix
Since this website went online, a lot has happened: Firmware 1.1 has been released: VCO calibration now within 1%, FM and ADSR are fully MIDI controlled, MIDI thru is working…Continue readingMajor update