Hybrid synth, Portable, ST4, Synthesizer Feature-complete spaghetti December 1, 2014wpress Loads of things have come our way. Loads of things non-synth. And this took time, loads of time. But here it is, in all its glory: a more-or-less feature-complete model…Continue readingFeature-complete spaghetti
Arduino, Arduino DUE, Hybrid synth, Knobs, ST4, Synthesizer, VCF Autumn update: Superpiggie follow-up and “ST4” October 4, 2014wpress Time for a little update after many months of silence on the blog. Tasty Chips Electronics are still going strong. All the original Piggies have been sold and so we’re…Continue readingAutumn update: Superpiggie follow-up and “ST4”