GR-1 Firmware 3.0 released
We can keep it short. 3.0 is released. You can upgrade your GR-1 using the LAN port or just download the tgz file onto your USB stick and take it from there. The file and manual can be found on the support page. There’s also a little getting started document, which was also featured in the previous newsletter. Many thanks to the beta testers that invested their time!

IMPORTANT: we received word from a user that he couldn’t upgrade from firmware 2.5 to 3.0. All our in-house tests were done with GR-1’s running 2.8. Hence, please first upgrade to 2.8.3 if you are running an old firmware!
UPDATE 23 jan 25: it seems the tgz file doesn’t work with GR-1 disk images, typically present on GR-1’s older than 2022! If you have an OLD GR-1, please REFLASH YOUR SD CARD. The 3.0 manual details this! We’re investigating this issue and may come up with a solution in 3.0.1..
UPDATE 23 jan 25, part 2: 3.0.1 is now released and it is tested to work on an ancient disk image from 2018 as well as on the current one from 2023. For units older than 2022 we do still recommend reflashing the SD with the new 3.0 image, however. The new image is designed to combat data corruption, so the best way forward on the long run.
We’re also producing Integrals again, and have shipped the first bunch yesterday. You can order now and lead time is about 3 business days!