GR-MEGA manual & firmware 1.1
While only a few GR-MEGA’s are out there, we’ve already released version 1.1 because it fixes important bugs in the project management. You can download the new firmware from our support page, or by hooking the LAN port up to your router. The takeaways for this firmware are: basic GR-1 patch import, project screen usability and fixes, disk/ram usage metrics and popups, and graphical improvements, along with important bug fixes like support for FAT formatted USB sticks. Release notes can be found on our support page.
While the draft manual has been available for a while now, we recently completed the first official version, complete with illustrations for almost everything. You can also download this from our GR-MEGA support page.
As you may have noticed we’ve suffered another set back in production, but we’ll at least ship a few more units this months, before shipping them in larger numbers in September.
GR-1 firmware photos and info
Meanwhile, GR-1 firmware 3.0 is under heavy development. We managed to port over most of the stuff from the MEGA, but we’re leaving out several features like the spectral engine, and the sequencer. A bunch of GR-MEGA physical buttons are coded as GUI buttons on the GR-1. Here you can see the menu including system, effects, matrix, sampling, file manager, projects, and patch screens:

Sampling (recording) has moved from the encoder push button to [Shift] + [Sample]. The menu can be entered and exited quickly with the [Perf] button.
The multitimbral features work. Parts, or “layers” as we call them on the GR-MEGA, can be toggled on/off with [Shift] + preset 1234. 4 multimbral presets are available under [Shift] + preset 5678. [Shift] + Bank 1234 will remain for toggling voices on/off. In multitimbral mode the encoder can be used to focus on a layer. Otherwise, in monotimbral mode you use the encoder to select stuff like zoom, crop, setting loop pointers and such.. just like on the GR-MEGA.
Integral firmware 3.1
Integral firmware 3.1 is nearly done, but still needs some work on the MIDI support. In September we’ll have good news, most likely.
Housekeeping information concerning GR-MEGA orders
Some additional housekeeping information: In recent months, the most frequently asked questions we get are:
Q: I placed a preorder for the GR-MEGA. When can I expect my unit?
A: Please look up your number in the production time table. It’s organized in batches. Your webshop order number should be between the start and end number of such a batch.
Q: I placed a preorder for the GR-MEGA. My postal address has changed. Where can I enter this?
A: When your unit is finished, we’ll send you an email with a webshop payment link, which also contains a form to enter your current postal address.
Q: I placed a preorder for the GR-MEGA, and did the down payment. When can I pay the rest?
A: When your unit is finished, we’ll send you an email with a webshop payment link, which also contains a form to enter your current postal address.