SawBench Analog Monophonic Synthesizer
The Saw Bench Synthesizer. A highly portable and affordable mono-synth, with a 100% analog signal path. This is the fully assembled unit.

- Small and portable, yet very ergonomic. Focus on hands-on controls with good grouping and spacing.
- A four-pole diode ladder VCF, with high resonance
- Separate ADSR envelopes for VCA and VCF
- LFO with 3 waveforms, plus a Sample & Hold, for VCF
- Frequency Modulation for deep growling bass sounds
- Manual controls such for Env and LFO enable, waveform selection, ADSR mode / LFO switching
- MIDI controls of all digital features (envelopes, VCF cutoff, LFO, etc)
- Legato, glide, looping ADSR’s (MIDI)
- Sturdy metal casing.