The first casings, and complete overview!

Finally! After many months we’ve got our hands on the anodized GR-MEGA casings. See below!

We’ll be able to ship to the first 22 customers, who’ve been waiting patiently in line since last year. We should receive the last electronics at the end of the month. And before that we can already assemble the first unit for the very first customer to have from last year! GR-MEGA serial number #1, baby!

Note that the new casings are somewhat brighter than the prototype. We feel this is an improvement, because the text is more visible, especially in the typically dark studios, or on stage.

We’ve uploaded a massive 30 minute long hands-on Youtube video explaining the GR-MEGA, while also exploring it musically. Enjoy!

Then there’s bad news. The next shipment of casings, the first black units, are probably delayed until August. We know this is a disappointment, as it is also very much for us. We’ve updated the production schedule here:

But of course this will allow us to focus on back-porting the MEGA’s file system to the GR-1, as promised.

We’re also working on a new batch of Integrals. We expect production will dry up in July, and then after a few weeks we’ll be fully stocked again.

There’s some more good news too:

Integral firmware 3.1 will be released mid July with the ability to hook up USB MIDI devices, and also to reverse samples! We’ll cover this in the next post.

The GR-MEGA will be able to load GR-1 patches. It will have to wait until firmware 1.1, but so far it looks good. This means you’ll be able to browse through GR-1 patches in exactly the same fashion as you would with GR-MEGA patches.