GR-MEGA Support Page

Production Time Table

This time table shows the estimated shipping dates of the preordered GR-MEGA’s. This table will be up until we reach low lead time (2 weeks or less). Thank you for your patience.

How to use this table:
Step 1
: get your order number from the email from our webshop. This is a number like #12xxxx, for instance #121345.

Step 2: Look in what block your order number falls. In our example case #121345, the number is in the range 121218-121545. This corresponds with early December.

DateOrder numberSpecial

February-March ‘25

121167 – 121545

Early April ‘25

121546 – 121660

Mid-late April ‘25

121661 – 121760

Early May ‘25

121761 – 121812

Mid-late May ‘25

121815 – 121997

Early June ’25

122013 – 122233

Mid-late June ’25

122237 – 122431

Early July ’25

122432 – 122490

Mid-late July ’25

122491 – 122703

Aug ’25

122704 – 122797

Sep ’25

122798 – 122999

Oct ’25

123000 – ……


GR-MEGA Firmware v1.2.7, release notes

GR-MEGA Firmware v1.2.6, release notes

GR-MEGA Firmware v1.2.5, release notes

GR-MEGA Firmware v1.2.4, release notes

GR-MEGA Firmware v1.2.3, release notes

GR-MEGA Firmware v1.2.2, release notes

GR-MEGA Firmware v1.1.6, release notes

GR-MEGA Firmware v1.1.4, release notes

GR-MEGA Firmware v1.1.3, release notes

GR-MEGA Firmware v1.0.1, release notes




GR-MEGA Sound Packs

Here you can find FREE Tasty Chips Electronics officially endorsed sound packs for our products.

Factory project (2024)



Q: I placed a preorder for the GR-MEGA. When can I expect my unit?
A: Please look up your number in the production time table. It’s organized in batches. Your webshop order number should be between the start and end number of such a batch.

Q: I placed a preorder for the GR-MEGA. My postal address has changed. Where can I enter this?
A: When your unit is finished, we’ll send you an email with a webshop payment link, which also contains a form to enter your current postal address.

Q: I placed a preorder for the GR-MEGA, and did the down payment. When can I pay the rest?
A: When your unit is finished, we’ll send you an email with a webshop payment link, which also contains a form to enter your current postal address.

Q: What are the differences between the GR-1 and GR-MEGA?
A: We made this table especially to compare the two: GR-MEGA and Integral specs

Q: Can the GR-MEGA import my old GR-1 patches?
A: It can do this, but it does not support all features yet. We’re adding more features with each firmware update.

Q: I’m sure my MIDI controller is sending stuff to the MEGA, but it isn’t responding?
A: System menu → MPE Mode → OFF

Q: I want a VESA mountable GR-MEGA. Is this possible?
A: We’ll consider VESA mounting options is physically possible (the GR-MEGA is quite heavy) and if enough people chime in.

Q: I’m loading this 1 hour long sample and granular mode does nothing. What’s up?
A: Granular mode is optimized for shorter samples. Crop the sample down to slightly below 6 minutes and you should be fine.

Q: I’m using a big externally powered USB MIDI keyboard / controller, and unplugging it seems to crash my GR-MEGA??
A: Remove the MIDI controller’s power supply. Unplug and replug your GR-MEGA’s power to restart it. Only use an external power supply for the MIDI controller if you’re using DIN MIDI. If using USB MIDI, please let your GR-MEGA power the MIDI controller! This USB MIDI controller is actually misbehaving and does not conform to the USB spec. A self-powered USB device should not “backpower” a host.

Q: The output level seems kinda low even when I’m cranking up all the volume knobs.
A: Please use balanced (TRS) cables as per recommendations in the manual.

Third party support

Padded soft cover by Custom:

Hard case with wheels and handles(: one with telescope):